Solar living, sustainable living, living off the grid...Getting off the grid "...Looking to wean yourself off the grid? The savings -- to you and the planet -- can be astronomical.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Want to Get Off the Grid and Live in Harmony With Nature? Build an Earthship

. Want to Get Off the Grid and Live in Harmony With Nature? Build an Earthship "...Earthship homes are off-grid dwellings that are some of the greenest and most economical buildings in the world. They are made from recycled materials such as glass bottles, old tires, reclaimed wood and plenty of elbow grease, and can be built anywhere in the world, according to the founder of Earthship Biotecture Michael Reynolds..." Reference:

Friday, February 12, 2016

Obama to designate 3 monuments in Calif.

. Obama to designate 3 monuments in Calif. "...Monument status precludes industrial development, from solar and wind farms to new mining. The designations are also expected to bring funding from the federal government, which the National Park Service could use to study wildlife and plant species and to teach visitors about the areas' histories and ecologies. The park service will also promote the monuments, probably boosting tourism. The Sand to Snow National Monument..." Reference:

Friday, February 5, 2016

What is holding back the growth of solar power?

. What is holding back the growth of solar power? "...“You have a very strong seasonality in solar production. That is a problem at higher latitudes. If you would connect all the countries around the world then always somewhere the sun would shine and problem solved. But we are still quite far from that situation,” he said. Like other renewables that rely on weather, solar is held back by its “capacity factor”, essentially how often it is producing electricity..."